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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


英文名称:korean red ginseng extract



规格:10% 人参皂甙




korean red ginseng extract is a substance made from the root of the ginseng plant. Panax ginseng grows wild and can be cultivated. It is native to China, Korea and Russia and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years.


Korean red ginseng extract has the following effects:

  1. Korean red ginseng extract is often promoted as a general tonic to improve well-being or cholesterol health. It’s also sometimes used for inflammatory conditions or to help lower blood sugar in those with diabetes.
  2. Mental Function. Korean red ginseng extract may improve mental function in middle-aged people and also reduces dementia in people with cognitive disabilities.
  3. Sexual Function. For centuries, ginseng was believed to increase sexual performance in men, and a few studies have backed up this claim. A November 2002 report in “The Journal of Urology” found 60 percent of 45 men given ginseng Korean reported improved erections after eight weeks of treatment.


Packaging of Korean red ginseng extract :

包装细节:圆桶和纸箱 或根据您的要求包装


Shelf Life: 2 years Ginseng Korean Extract if sealed and store away from direct sun light.

Shipping Methods of Ginseng Korean Extract:

  1. 快递:适用于样品订单或小于 50 千克的订单,3-10 天,运费高,门到门服务;
  2. 空运:适用于大于 50 公斤的货物,3-7 天,费用低于快递费用,机场到机场服务,需要专业经纪人;
  3. 海运:适用于 > 300 千克,7-45 天,成本最低,港口到港口服务,需要专业经纪人。


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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


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