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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


English name: Carmine Cochineal Extract
Botanical name: Carmine Cochineal
Active ingredient: Carmine
Specification: 50%Carmine



Cochineal extract, also known as Carmine and Brilliant Scarlet, is a dye extracted from the female Costa cochineal insect ( Dactylopius coccus ). This dye was used by the Aztecs long before Europeans discovered it in the 1500s, as a fabric coloring material that remained vibrant for a long time. Carmine – also called cochineal, cochineal extract, crimson lake, or carmine lake – is a pigment of a bright-red color obtained from the aluminium complex derived from carminic acid. Widely used in Textile industry and Food industry!


Carmine Cochineal Extract has the following effects:

  1. Carmine extract [carmine (E 120) or carminic acid] is used directly in food and is also processed further to carmines. Specifications exist for cochineal extract and carmines, both of which contain carminic acid as the colouring principle.
  1. Cochineal extract and carmine have a long history as a dye for food, cosmetics,pharmaceuticals, and textiles.
  1. The insects are harvested, sun-dried and crushed. They are then put into an acidic solution that produces carminic acid. This creates a very bright red dye that can be altered with the use of borax or other solutions. The pigment that results is carmine extract, and it’s used as a red “natural color” in a range of foods and body products.


Packaging of cochineal extract carmine:



Shelf Life: 2 years carmine extract powder if sealed and store away from direct sun light.

Shipping Methods of Carmine Cochineal Extract:

  1. 快递:适用于样品订单或小于 50 千克的订单,3-10 天,运费高,门到门服务;
  2. 空运:适用于大于 50 公斤的货物,3-7 天,费用低于快递费用,机场到机场服务,需要专业经纪人;
  3. 海运:适用于 > 300 千克,7-45 天,成本最低,港口到港口服务,需要专业经纪人。


Tina Fang

Hunan MT Health Inc.

电话:+ 86 731 8557 4778

WhatsApp & WeChat:+ 86 13187040305

电子邮件和 Skype: sales12@mthealth.com.cn


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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


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