湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205
Blackthorn berries (Latin name: Prunus spinosa), alias Prunus spinosa, is a plant of the genus Prunus in the Rosaceae family. Blackthorn berries are small spherical fruits with an average diameter of 1 to 2 cm and round to oval in shape. It’s skin is smooth, firm, dark blue, sometimes black, with a light blue-gray wax coating. Blackthorn berries contain fiber, which helps stimulate digestion, and provides vitamins C and E, anthocyanins, magnesium, and flavonoids. The fruit also contains some anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. In Europe and Asia, its leaves and flowers can be steeped in tea to cleanse the blood and act as a diuretic.
产品名称 | 黑刺李提取物 |
外观和颜色 | 棕黄色细粉末 |
提取比例 | 10:1 |
网眼尺寸 | NLT 90% 至 80 目 |
水分含量 | NMT 5.0% |
灰分含量 | NMT 5.0% |
重金属 | NMT 10ppm |
砷(As) | NMT 1ppm |
镉 (Cd) | NMT 1ppm |
汞(Hg) | NMT 0.1ppm |
铅 (Pb) | NMT 3ppm |
提取溶剂 | 谷物酒精/水 |
Blackthorn Berry Extract has the following effects:
ISO9001 / ISO22000 / Organic / Kosher / Halal 等。
Packaging detail of blackthorn berry extract:
1 公斤/袋或 25 公斤/桶
Frances Wang
Hunan MT Health Inc.
电话:(86)731-8557 4798
WhatApps & 微信:(86)185 7334 5952
电子邮件和 Skype: 销售额14@mthealth.com.cn
湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205