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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


英文名称:Black Ant Extract

植物学名:Polyrhachis vicina 罗杰






  1. 产品介绍


The source of black ants is the whole worm of black ant, an insect belonging to the class of Insecta, Arthropoda. Black ants are produced in the virgin forests of Yunnan. They contain formic acid and various free amino acids, so they are beneficial to human health. The protein contained in the ant body is as high as 40%-67%, and the tonic strength of its crude product even exceeds that of the same amount of wild ginseng. The value of black ants is extremely high and has a wide range of effects. Drinks made from ants and wine can play a role in skin care, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-asthma, sedation, and pain relief.


  1. 规格
产品名称 黑蚂蚁提取物
外观和颜色 Fine brown yellow powder
提取比例 10:1
网眼尺寸 NLT 90% 至 80 目
水分含量 NMT 5.0%
灰分含量 NMT 5.0%
重金属 NMT 10ppm
砷(As) NMT 1ppm
镉 (Cd) NMT 1ppm
汞(Hg) NMT 0.1ppm
铅 (Pb) NMT 3ppm
提取溶剂 谷物酒精/水


  1. 功能

Black Ant Extract has the following effects:

  1. For rheumatic arthralgia: forexpelling wind and analgesia,Black Ant Extract is a nice choice. And Black Ant Extract also has a certain effect of strengthening muscles and bones;
  2. For stroke and hemiplegia: the use of Black Ant Extractnot only dispels external wind, but also extinguishes internal wind. It hasthe functions of activating meridians and strengthening muscles and bones, and is an ideal product for stroke and hemiplegia;
  3. For lack of qi and blood and postpartum lactation: Black Ant Extractscan benefit energy, luster color, and promote lactation.


  1. 证书

ISO9001 / ISO22000 / Organic / Kosher / Halal 等。



  1. 制造工艺



  1. 包装

Packaging detail of black ant extract:

1 公斤/袋或 25 公斤/桶









Frances Wang

Hunan MT Health Inc.
电话:(86)731-8557 4798
WhatApps & 微信:(86)185 7334 5952

电子邮件和 Skype: 销售额14@mthealth.com.cn


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  • 添加:

    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


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