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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205

Bloodroot Extract

English name: Bloodroot Extract
Botanical name: Sanguinaria canadensis 


Bloodroot Extract

Bloodroot (scientific name: Sanguinaria canadensis) is a perennial herb native to eastern North America. When the rhizome is broken or shattered, a reddish sap that looks like blood will flow out, hence the name bloodroot grass.

Bloodroot Extract

Bloodroot Extract has the following effects:


1.One of the most common applications of bloodroot is in toothpaste it can help reduce plaque on the teeth and promote general oral health.


2.In terms of respiratory wellness, bloodroot has commonly been used as a remedy for conditions like the common cold, influenza, lung infections, and various sinus issues.


3.It’s chemical constituents can help to slow the blood and reduce strain on the heart. This can help prevent coronary heart disease, and also lessen the effects of atherosclerosis.

Bloodroot Extract

Packaging of Bloodroot Extract:



保质期:密封保存 2 年,避免阳光直射。


Shipping Methods of Bloodroot Extract:

  1. 快递:适用于样品订单或小于 50 千克的订单,3-10 天,运费高,门到门服务;
  2. 空运:适用于大于 50 公斤的货物,3-7 天,费用低于快递费用,机场到机场服务,需要专业经纪人;
  3. 海运:适用于 > 300 千克,7-45 天,成本最低,港口到港口服务,需要专业经纪人。



Margaery Chan

Hunan MT Health Inc.


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  • 添加:

    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


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