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    No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

Peanut Extract

Jan 23, 2024

Peanut Extract

Peanuts, dicotyledonous plants, with reticulate veins. The fruit is a pod with cocoon, bead and hockey stick shapes. The cocoon-shaped pods usually have 2 seeds, and the beaded and hockey-shaped pods generally have more than 3 seeds. The color of the husk is mostly yellow-white, but also yellow-brown. The seeds in the peanut shell are composed of three parts: seed coat, cotyledon and embryo. The color of the seed coat is light brown or light red. There are two cotyledons in the seed coat, which are milky white or ivory. In history, it was called Changshengguo, Luohua ginseng and Chengshouguo. Peanuts can nourish tonic and help prolong life. Like soybeans, they are known as “plant meat” and “vegetarian meat”. Peanut is also a traditional Chinese medicine, suitable for malnutrition, spleen and stomach disorders, cough, phlegm, and lack of milk.

Peanut Extract

1. Peanuts are “high satiety” foods, which can make you feel fuller, or stay full longer, and can control appetite.

2. Salty snacks are usually high-salt foods, but the salt content of salty peanuts is less than sliced bread and frozen waffles of the same weight, which helps reduce salt.

3. The composition of fatty acids in peanuts, as well as the role of other ingredients, can reduce the content of low-density lipoprotein and keep the heart healthy.

4. The folic acid in peanuts and other anti-cancer nutrients can reduce the risk of colon cancer.

5. Peanuts are rich in calcium, which can promote children’s bone development.

6. The content of zinc in peanuts is generally higher than that of other oil crops, which can enhance the memory function of the brain, activate the brain cells of middle-aged and elderly people, effectively delay the premature aging of the human body, and have anti-aging effects.

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    No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

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