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    No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

The benefits of drinking coconut powder

May 19, 2022

The natural coconut powder has a high nutritional value. Chinese traditional Chinese medicine believes that coconut meat is sweet and flat, and has the effect of replenishing spleen and stomach, killing insects and eliminating phlegm; coconut milk is sweet, warm, and has functions such as fluid and water. Modern medical research shows that coconut meat contains protein and carbohydrates; coconut oil contains sugar, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C.

The nutrition of coconut powder is very rich. We can eat some coconut powder in our life and it can effectively improve our ability and protein. The high protein content of coconut powder makes it the fastest-dissolving drink with the highest amino acid content in the world. The amino acid affects the growth and development of children, the metabolism of ordinary people, the anti-aging and anti-aging of the elderly, and the production of body energy for daily activities. has an effect.

Coconut powder is rich in vitamins. These vitamins are all needed by our body. They are more vitamin E. The outer body has sufficient vitamin C. It will reduce the absorption of harmful substances and the decomposition of nicotine in the body. People who like smoking and long-term medication will be able to More should absorb the dimension C. Regular consumption of coconut powder can help women stay young, improve women’s physical environment, and reduce myopia. Vitamin C helps reduce hardening of the arteries, bleeding gums, providing immunity and increasing human responsiveness. In addition to making powdered coconut powder, coconut powder can also be used as a coffee mate and milk tea, cereal flavouring, in coffee and beer. Adding coconut juice to wine, ice water and pineapple juice gives you a unique flavor.

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