No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R. China
Наименование на български език: Екстракт от Aralia Mandshurica
Ботаническо име: Aralia Mandshurica
Активна съставка: Аралозиди
Спецификация: 20% Aralosides
Външен вид: Кафяво-жълт прах
An extract of Aralia mandshurica bark including root bark, stem bark and tuber bark can be used to prepare medicine for preventing and treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.Aralia Manchurian (root). Stimulator of respiratory and cardiac activity, remedy for impotence.Widely used in the healthcare industry!
Aralia Mandshurica Extract has the following effects:
За контакти:
Тина Фанг
Hunan MT Health Inc.
ТЕЛ: + 86 731 8557 4778
WhatsApp и WeChat: + 86 13187040305
Имейл и Skype: sales12@mthealth.com.cn
No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R. China