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    No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R. China

Екстракт от Tuber Magnatum

Наименование на български език: екстракт от Tuber Magnatum

Ботаническо наименование: Tuber Magnatum

Активна съставка: полизахариди

Спецификация: 30% полизахариди

Външен вид: Фин кафяво-жълт прах

Изпрати запитване


  1. Въведение в продукта

Tuber Magnatum is a truffle mushroom. Because of its preciousness, it is called white diamond. Tuber Magnatum Extract is extracted from Tuber Magnatum, they have the same effect. Tuber Magnatum Extract contains protein, amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and other trace elements. Truffles have high nutritional value and health care value. The androgenic ketones contained in Tuber Magnatum Extract can regulate endocrine, and the sphingolipids contained in it can prevent Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, and also fight cancer. The polysaccharides, polypeptides, and triterpenes contained in Tuber Magnatum Extract can enhance the body’s immunity and nourish the kidneys.


Име на продукта Екстракт от Tuber Magnatum
Външен вид и цвят Fine brown yellow powder
Спецификация 30% Полизахариди
Размер на окото NLT 90% до 80 окото
Съдържание на влага NMT 5.0%
Съдържание на пепел NMT 5.0%
Тежки метали NMT 10ppm
Арсен (As) NMT 1ppm
Кадмий (Cd) NMT 1ppm
Живак (Hg) NMT 0,1ppm
Олово (Pb) NMT 3ppm
Екстракт разтворител Вода





Tuber Magnatum Extract has the following effects:

  1. Tuber Magnatum Extract can enhance immunity

First of all, Tuber Magnatum Extract contains very nutritious ingredients, such as amino acids and various proteins. When a person’s resistance is lowered, it is beneficial to eat Tuber Magnatum Extract properly.

  1. Improve fatigue

If a person is usually very tired at work and easily fatigued, he can take some Tuber Magnatum Extract to replenish his physical strength. Tuber Magnatum Extract contains B vitamins, vitamin C, etc. These vitamins are good for maintaining muscle vitality and improving fatigue. .

  1. Tuber Magnatum Extract can improve sleep

Take a little Tuber Magnatum Extract if a person is sleep deprived for a long time. Frequent insomnia and more dreams are due to the lack of vitamin B and inositol in the body, which are ingredients that can effectively improve sleep quality.

  1. Anti-aging

Tuber Magnatum Extract has strong anti-oxidant ability, because the vitamin C in Tuber Magnatum Extract can anti-aging, can help resist various free radicals, so as to achieve an anti-aging effect.

  1. Prevention of Alzheimer’s

Tuber Magnatum Extract contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which can effectively reduce the content of internal cholesterol and protect the cardiovascular system.


ISO9001 / ISO22000 / органични / кошерни / халал и др.



  1. Процес на производство



  1. Опаковка

Packaging detail of Tuber Magnatum Extract

1 кг/торба или 25 кг/барабан

Предлага се персонализиран пакет в зависимост от вашето търсене

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    No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R. China

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