No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R. China
English name: Erythritol Powder
Active ingredient: Erythritol
Specification: 99%
Външен вид: Бял кристален прах
Erythritol is a filled sweetener with the molecular formula C4H10O4. Erythritol is widely found in nature, such as fungi mushrooms, lichens, melons, grapes, pears, etc. It can be produced by the fermentation of glucose, is a white crystalline powder, has a crisp sweet taste, is not easily absorbed, is stable at high temperatures, is stable over a wide range of pH, has a mild cooling sensation when dissolved in the mouth, and is suitable for use in a wide range of foodstuffs.
Erythritol Powder has the following effects:
Packaging of Erythritol Powder:
Подробности за опаковането: барабан и картонена кутия или опаковка според вашите изисквания
Съхранение: Съхранявайте в добре затворен контейнер, далеч от влага
Срок на годност: 2 години, ако е запечатан и се съхранява далеч от пряка слънчева светлина.
Shipping Methods of Erythritol Powder:
За контакти:
Маргари Чан
Hunan MT Health Inc.
TEL: + 86 731 8557 4798
WhatsApp и WeChat: + 86 156 7533 3772
Имейл и Skype: sales15@mthealth.com.cn
No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R. China